Call for Abstracts

Submission Guideline

Submission Deadline (International) : by 24:00 September 11(Mon), 2023 in KST (GMT+9)
초록 제출 마감일 (국내) : 2023년 9월 11일(월) 24:00 까지 - Closed

Abstract Category (APELSO 2023)
Neonatal and Pediatric
Adult Cardiac
Adult Respiratory
Perfusion and Equipment
Nursing and Quality Improvement
Basic Research and Engineering
Abstract Submission Guideline Template Download
Submission Method: Online Submission only
Language: English
Abstract Format: using the MS-Word template
- Please download and use the MS-Word Abstract template
Length: Maximum words 300 excluding titles, authors, and affiliations.
※ Graphics, figure and table will be allowed and it will be included in the MS-Word template.
For the secretarial conveniences, please indicate three keywords.
Modification: Available on “Abstract Modification” until the abstract submission deadline (August 14, 2023 in KST)
Withdrawal: please send an email via secretariat ( required
Permission to publish: Abstracts will appear in a supplement to the ASAIO Journal.

For further information and/or inquiries, please contact the Secretariat.
